Frequently Asked Questions
State Funding Sources
Questions regarding use of State Funds.
I have an invoice, what should I do with it?
All invoices should be electronically sent to the APTravel@buffalostate.edu email.
Are reimbursements taxable?
No, reimbursements are not considered taxable income and you will not receive a 1099 for such payments.
How long does it take for a check to be paid?
Vendors can expect checks to arrive within two to three weeks of the invoice being received within our office. However, this may be subject to change due to additional documentation needs or approvals.
A vendor is contacting me about an unpaid invoice. Who do I contact?
The Accounts Payable office can research the status of a check within the NYS Comptroller's office. Please contact APTravel@buffalostate.edu with any questions you may have regarding payment status.
Foundation Funding Sources
Questions regarding use of Foundation Funds.
How do I submit a payment for my Foundation account?
All foundation payments need to be submitted alongside a Payment Request Form.
What backup do I need to attach to my payment request?
An invoice and all relevant documentation showing the item was received. At minimum an invoice should be individually numbered, dated and charges itemized. Additionally, the invoice should include a remittance address to ensure proper delivery.
Does the Foundation pay sales tax?
The Foundation is exempt from New York State sales tax as a 501(c)3 entity. Sales tax exempt forms can be found within the Forms section.