State Travel Information
Travel status is defined as working more than 35 miles from the normal work station of an individual employee.
When employees travel on State business, they are entitled to reimbursement for appropriate expenses and will be reimbursed in accordance with the OSC Travel Manual and collective bargaining agreements. Employees must submit expense reports detailing all expenses incurred, including travel card charges, even if the employee has not incurred any out-of-pocket expenses.

Forms and Links
Useful Links
Direct Travel Counselor: (800) 774-0655

Travel and Non-Employee Travel (NET) Cards
The purpose of the Travel Card program is to provide employees with a mechanism to pay for approved business travel expenses. Any New York State employee is eligible to apply for a Travel Card.
Non-Employee Travel Card
The purpose of the Non-Employee Travel (NET) Card program is to provide any New York State employee who administers travel expenses for non-employees (i.e. students, student athletes, visiting artists, guest speakers and candidates) a mechanism to pay for their official Buffalo State business travel.
State Travel Guidelines
Travel Information
An employee is considered to be in travel status and eligible for reimbursement of travel expenses (including lodging, meals, transportation, and miscellaneous travel expenses) when an employee is assigned at a work location more than 35 miles from both his/her official work station and his/her home. The assignments must meet a necessary business purpose as directed and approved by appropriate personnel.
Air Travel
Air and train travel arrangements may be made by the approved traveler by utilizing the campus’s Business Travel Account (BTA). Travelers may also book air and train arrangements on their own. It is the employee’s obligation to strive to obtain the lowest-cost coach accommodations available. If a traveler chooses another carrier that is not under state contract, the traveler is obligated to provide a quote from Direct Travel, our campus BTA. This is required with all Travel Vouchers and Travel Card reconciliations.
In order to use the BTA, follow these steps:
First time users of Direct Travel will need to have a traveler profile created in order to obtain air or train fare. Please contact the Accounts Payable and Travel Services department to complete this.
Call Direct Travel at 800-774-0655 and identify yourself as an employee of Buffalo State on Elmwood Avenue.
Automobiles are often used for close proximity trips and on trips within 300 miles each way.
Car Rental
Travelers are encouraged to use rental cars for short-duration trips because they are usually more cost-effective than other means including the use of a personal vehicle.
A rental car should be obtained from an authorized rental agency, as specified in the Office of General Services (OGS) contract. When renting a vehicle for official state business, the traveler should rent the vehicle in the name of New York State and sign the agreement as an agent for the state.
Please see the Buffalo State Procurement Office Website for further information concerning rental cars.
Personal Vehicle
Personal car mileage is reimbursed at the current GSA mileage rate. This rate is normally revised each calendar year. The mileage rate includes gasoline. Expenses for tolls and parking are reimbursed separately.
Mileage must be recorded on the NYS Mileage Form. The total mileage from the statement should be brought forward and included on the Travel Voucher form.
Lodging and Meals
Lodging and meal reimbursements are allowable in a number of circumstances, including:
- A traveler is in travel status with at least one overnight stay, and lodging and/or meals are not paid by the alternative work station, conference, etc.
- A traveler is in travel status and a portion (or all) of either their lodging and/or meals are paid by the alternative work station, conference, etc.
- A traveler is in travel status and the travel does not include an overnight stay.
It is the policy of the Office of the State Comptroller that breakfast and dinner are the only allowable reimbursable meals. Lunch cannot be reimbursed. Alcohol is prohibited.
Reimbursement Methods
Method 1: Unreceipted Method
This method requires no receipts, but in general reimburses less than Method 2. Method 1 is often used when a hotel is not needed.Method 1 provides a flat rate allowance for meals, lodging, and incidental expenses regardless of what type of lodging is obtained. (This includes lodging with relatives or friends.)
Rates are established based on the city or county where the lodging is obtained or the location where the employee has official campus business (whichever rate is less). The location must be identified on the travel voucher. No receipts are required when using this method. Current rates can be found on the GSA website.
Travelers using this method are eligible to receive an additional breakfast on the departure date if they have to depart before 7:00 AM. They are also eligible for an additional dinner on the day of return if they return after 7:00 PM.
Method 2: Receipted Method
This method requires specific receipts to be provided with a Travel Voucher.
Method 2 must include an itemized hotel receipt in the employee's name or documentation showing proof of travel (such as airlines tickets, etc.) and a third party online hotel receipt in the employee's name. If a hotel receipt cannot be provided a copy of a registration that indicates lodging is included in the cost will suffice.
Maximum lodging rates exclude taxes. When lodging takes place within New York State a Tax Exemption Certificate must be provided to the hotel (you may also need your Government ID). New York State tax is not reimbursable. If the lodging is outside of New York State, state and local taxes are reimbursable and are not included in the lodging per diem rates.
Travelers using this method are eligible for an additional per diem for breakfast if they have to depart before 7:00 AM and dinner if they have to return at after 7:00 PM. Meal allowance rates are base upon 20 percent for breakfast and 80 percent for dinner of the full allowance pertaining to the traveler's destination in these cases.
If you share a room with another employee, one-half of the double room charge may be claimed by each person. Separate itemized receipts should be requested of the hotel in order for each traveler to claim per diem rates for meals.
You are allowed lodging and meals for weekends when it is necessary for you to be in travel status.
Other Information
Miscellenous Expenses
Travelers frequently incur miscellaneous expenses during their travel. In all cases, in order to be considered reimbursable, these expenses must be reasonable, actual, and necessary. To be reimbursed, original documented proof of payment of the miscellaneous expenses must accompany the travel voucher.
Conference fees can be paid via Purchase Card (P-Card), Travel Card (T-Card), reimbursement to the employee, or direclty paid to the conference.
When a hotel is available as part of a conference rate, an employee may book a reservation. It is the policy of the College that when using a conference sponsored hotel, the per-diem rate for lodging may be exceeded. However, an employee must include an Over-the-Max form as justification with their Travel Voucher.
Non-Employee Travel
In certain circumstances, Buffalo State may reimburse travel costs incurred by non-employees traveling on college related business. In most cases, non-employees may be reimbursed up to the rates that are available to employees. Non-employees, including students, may not participate in the rental of vehicles via the NYS contract guidelines.
Travel reimbursements to non-employees of SUNY are processed through a Standard Voucher. The payee or department should complete the voucher to specify the exact purpose for the payment, as well as dates of the activity.
Foreign Travel
Travel outside the continental United States is reimbursed based on the maximum per-diem allowance established by the U.S. Department of State. The foreign per diem rates are published monthly. Expenses must be converted to American currency based upon the exchange rate in effect during the period of travel.
Foreign travel rates provide for lodging costs up to a maximum amount and an allowance for meals and incidental expenses. Meal per-diem rates may be broken down into breakfast and dinner if needed (20 percent of total meal per-diem for breakfast and 80 percent total per-diem for dinner).
Travel (T) Cards and Non Employee Travel (NET) Cards
Allowable Use
- Common Carrier (airfare/train)
- Lodging within Buffalo State Policy (See Travel Website)
- Meals (within Per Diem) - no alcoholic beverages
- Registration/Conference Fees
- Taxis/Parking/Subway
- Rental vehicle - Hertz or Elrac (Enterprise) – utilize NYS contracts
- Tolls
- Fuel (only when not claiming personal car mileage)
Unallowable Use
- Alcoholic beverages
- Personal use of any kind
- Uber and/or Lyft
- Airbnb
- Incidentals on hotel bill (gym/spa/movie rentals/laundry services)
- Cash advances
Claiming Meal Per Diem on Travel Voucher
Meals may be reimbursed on the Travel Voucher for Travel cardholders or a Standard Voucher for Non Employee Travel cardholders on a Per Diem basis based on location of lodging. A copy of the hotel receipt is required in order to claim Method II meal rates even though reimbursement is not being requested for the hotel. If meals are provided or paid by another source related to the scheduled event, the traveler will not be reimbursed.
Cardholders Responsibilities
- Keep the card in a safe place
- Do not share the card
- Establish secure card files to track all purchases and credits
- Keep card records in a secure location for 6 (six) years plus the current year
- Make sure funds are available in the default State account before making purchases
- Inform vendors of our tax-exempt status; provide tax-exempt certificate if required
- Print and review your online J.P. Morgan Chase monthly statements
- Reconcile your account promptly when notified
Monthly Account Reconciliations
- Read e-mails from J.P. Morgan Chase and Corporate Card Administrator regarding your Travel or NET Card accounts
- Once notified go online to review and reconcile your bank statement
- Print the statement
- Type memo providing the business purpose, travel destination(s) and dates of all travel transactions
- Obtain supervisory review and approval signature on monthly statement
- Forward all original documents to Mary Taylor in Accounts Payable & Travel Services in Cleveland Hall 414 for review
- After internal audit approval - retain all originals in a secure place for 6 (six) years plus the current year in case of an external audit at any given time
Obtaining a Card
Complete the Travel Card application
Complete the Non-Employee Travel (NET) Card application
Contact Mary Taylor, Director of Accounts Payable & Travel
Cleveland Hall 406 x4113